Adejare A. McMillan, MS, LMHC
Florida State Licensed Mental Health Counselor #MH21710
Poet • Author • Therapist • Speaker • T.J. Practitioner
Florida State Licensed Mental Health Counselor #MH21710
Poet • Author • Therapist • Speaker • T.J. Practitioner
Who He Be
Combining Transformative Justice Practices with Clinical Mental Health Counseling Techniques, Adejare (Ah-Day-Jah-Ray) McMillan, is professionally known as The Transformative Justice Therapist. At 33 years old, this South Florida-based speaker, poet, and activist holds a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling. Additionally, he is currently in pursuit of a Ph.D. in Family Therapy at Nova Southeastern University while at work full-time as a Crisis Interventionist and in Private Practice, specializing in Racial Equity, Sexuality, Addictions, and Men’s Issues. Since 2016, he has worked with people of all races, lifestyles, and ages — as young as 13 and as old as 70+. A member of several organizations dedicated to human rights and social justice, Adejare remains engaged in community activism, advocacy, and organizing — at times, specifically as a Transformative Justice Circle Keeper and Trainer.
Adejare is constantly seeking opportunities to educate, advocate, and grow awareness of Mental Health access, options, and opportunities primarily (though not exclusively) for Black folks and other people of color. He dedicates his life to creating and curating spaces to foster movement toward solutions for his community and those like his — influencing healing, and being of service when, where, and however he is able through the use of poetry, therapy, and T.J. practices.
Adejare is constantly seeking opportunities to educate, advocate, and grow awareness of Mental Health access, options, and opportunities primarily (though not exclusively) for Black folks and other people of color. He dedicates his life to creating and curating spaces to foster movement toward solutions for his community and those like his — influencing healing, and being of service when, where, and however he is able through the use of poetry, therapy, and T.J. practices.
What He Stands For
To know what it means not just to sympathize, but to empathize with others... To look another being squarely in the eyes and see whatever it is that makes us more than just vessels. Adejare's hope is to grow together in the understanding that worth comes in shapes and forms we may already and may not yet be able to imagine... That because of that, we should always remain open to every possibility.
Adejare's intention is to aid in identifying where we have misnamed, engage in renaming, and take on meaning-making that results in an increase of harmonious living. He aims to spur others into a purposeful curiosity that serves to drive us forward in our endeavors and toward bigger, better dreams.
Ask him what drives him and Adejare would say something like: "The power in living your life in a way that affirms your best beliefs – regardless of whether or not others are in agreement..." There is something deeply affirming about moving through the world in way that aligns with your values and your personal truth(s). Every person deserves that opportunity – so long as it is not harmful, oppressive, or dehumanizing to others.
To view his Curriculum Vitae: